5. Configuring System Settings
MMP1 Operation Manual
Set the Speaker Set configuration used.
Settings screen - Scene - Speaker Matrix
Speaker Set A is set to “6” and Speaker Set B is set to
“2” in order to use the 5.1 monitor speakers and the
stereo near field monitor setup introduced in this
The configured Speaker Set will appear on the Speaker
Matrix screen.
Assign Speaker Set output destinations.
• While holding down the right mouse button (Windows) or
the <control> key (Mac) on the Source fields, drag up or
down on the fields to select several input sources at the
same time.
• The “Speaker Set” is found in “SPK Matrix Out.”
Patch screen - Output Patch
Assign Speaker Set A 1-6 to Analog Out 1-6 connected
to the 5.1 speakers, and assign Speaker Set B1/2 to
Analog Out 7/8 connected to the stereo speakers.
Route the Main Monitor output to the Speaker Set.
• Assign Main Monitor 1-6 to inputs (Speaker Matrix In), and then click crossover points with Speaker Sets A and B to turn them on
to send (displayed in purple).
• While holding down the right mouse button (Windows) or the <control> key (Mac) on the Source fields, drag up or down on the
fields to select several input sources at the same time.
• “Main Monitor 01
06” is found in “Monitor Matrix Out.”
Speaker Matrix screen
Route the Main Monitor 1-6 outputs to Speaker Set A 1-6 and the Main Monitor 1/2 outputs to Speaker Set B 1/2. This will
send 5.1 surround sound to Speaker Set A as it appears here, and only the topmost two channels (L/R) to Speaker Set B.