5. Configuring System Settings
MMP1 Operation Manual
5-1-2. Main Monitor settings
Select the Monitor Source and Monitor output
Settings screen - Scene - Monitor Matrix
Assumes that the user switches between two system
Monitor Source formats (5.1 channel and stereo) and
sends to the monitor speaker.
For monitor input, select “6” for Monitor Source 1
(5.1 ch) and “2” for Monitor Source 2 (stereo).
For Monitor output, select “6” for the Main Monitor,
assuming 5.1 ch Monitor output.
Formats you have selected will be reflected on the
Monitor Matrix screen.
Assign an input source to Monitor Source.
• While holding down the right mouse button (Windows) or
the <control> key (Mac) on the Source fields, drag up or
down on the fields to select several input sources at the
same time.
• Double click the Source Label field to enter a name.
Monitor Matrix screen
Assign Dante In 1-6 used for connecting DAW output to
Monitor Source 1, and AES/EBU In 1/2 used for
connecting CD player output to Monitor Source 2.
Furthermore, put names (labels) “Nuendo 5.1 Out” and
“CD” to identify these as DAW and CD player inputs,
Confirm that the buttons for switching between
Monitor Sources appear on the Main screen.
Main screen - Monitor Control