4. Screens
MMP1 Operation Manual
User Assignable functions
Headphone Source
Select the Monitor Source
Select the Monitor Source to output to Headphone L/R as audio.
Headphone Source Sum
Turn this on to select multiple “Headphone Sources” at the
same time.
Main Monitor CH Solo/Mute
Select the Main Monitor number
Turns the Main Monitor SOLO or MUTE on or off.
Main Monitor CH Solo/Mute
Determines Main Monitor output to Solo or Mute.
Speaker Select
Select a Speaker Set
Turns Send to the Speaker Set on or off.
Talkback Destination
Select a Talkback interrupt
Turns Talkback on or off.
Cough Mute
Select a channel strip
Turns the channel strip mic on or off.
Cough Status
Select a channel strip
Displays the status of the channel strip mic.
Cough Mute Override
Select a channel strip
Disables or enables the mic on/off operation by the mic user for
the channel strip selected.
RTB Status
Select a channel strip
Displays the RTB (Return TalkBack) status for the channel strip.
Oscillator Source
Select a frequency or pink noise
Select a signal to output from the oscillator. This is intended to
give users a means of switching between oscillator frequencies
and pink noise by creating multiple buttons as needed.
Headphone Mute
Turns mute on or off for headphone output.
Cue Mute
Select the Cue output number
Turns mute on or off for the Cue output.
Studio Speaker Mute
Select the studio speaker output
Turns mute on or off for the studio speaker output.
LFE Filter
Turns the LFE Filter on or off.
LFE Trim
Turns the LFE Trim on or off.
Snapshot Recall
Select a Snapshot number
Recall the selected Snapshot.
Filter Type Change to IIR
Turns the option to change filter type from an FIR filter to an IIR
filter on and off. When on, an FIR filter will change to an IIR filter
at the speaker matrix input stage.
Generic Function
Select the GPI Out Function
Turns the GPI Out Function set with Parameter on or off.
The Generic Function is not itself a specific function. Rather, it is
intended to be used to change GPI Out output based on
whether this function is turned on or off.