• 06: Rcv BankSel
Receive Bank Select Switch (Only available when 07: Rcv PgmChng = on)
Settings: off, on
This parameter determines whether or not the FS1R will receive MIDI bank select data. Bank select data is received
when this parameter is “on”, and ignored when this parameter is “off”.
See “Bank Selection via MIDI on page 22 for more information.
• 07: Rcv PgmChng
Receive Program Change Switch
Settings: off, on
This parameter determines whether or not the FS1R will receive MIDI program change data. Program change data is
received when this parameter is “on”, and ignored when this parameter is “off”.
• 08: PgmMode
Program Mode
Settings: perform, multi
This parameter should be set to “perform” when playing the FS1R from a keyboard or other MIDI controller. In this
case if the PLAY mode Pfm Ch parameter is set to any value other than “off”, all received bank select, program
change, volume, and pan data affects the overall performance setup, not individual parts. All other received MIDI
channel messages affect individual parts on the corresponding MIDI channels.
This parameter should be set to “multi” when playing the FS1R from a sequencer or computer. In this case the FS1R
functions as a multi-timbre tone generator, allowing the parts to be individually controlled via their respective MIDI
channels. If the PLAY mode Pfm Ch parameter is set to any value other than “off”, however, all bank select, program
change, volume, and pan data received on the specified performance channel will affect the overall performance
setup, not individual parts.
• 09: RcvKnobCtrl
Receive Knob Control
Settings: off, on
Determines whether the FS1R control knob functions can be controlled via MIDI control change numbers assigned
to the knobs via the KN1 through KN4 parameters in the UTILITY/SYSTEM/Control pages. MIDI control of the knob
functions is possible when this parameter is turned “on”. The knob functions are assigned via the EDIT
[PERFORMANCE] mode COMMON/CtrlSrc and CtrlDst pages (pages 30 and 31).
• 10: TrnKnobCtrl
Transmit Knob Control
Settings: off, on
Determines whether operating the FS1R control knobs will producing corresponding MIDI control change number
output, using the MIDI control change numbers assigned to the knobs via the KN1 through KN4 parameters in the
UTILITY/SYSTEM/Control pages. MIDI transmission of knob operation is activated when this parameter is turned
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