Osc (Oscillator)
• 01 (N:01): Fseq Switch (V & N)
Fseq Switch
Settings: off, on
Turns Fseq playback on or off. When on, the Fseq selected via the EDIT [PERFORMANCE] mode
COMMON/Fseq/Fseq parameter will play. Please note that the Fseq pitch data will play even if this parameter is set
to “off”.
• 02: Fseq Track (V)
Fseq Track
Settings: Tr1 … Tr8
Specifies the Fseq “track” which will control the currently selected operator. Each Fseq has 8 tracks, each of which
controls a single operator. Normally each operator is controlled by the correspondingly numbered Fseq track: i.e.
track 1 controls operator 1, track 2 controls operator 2, and so on through track 8 and operator 8. Changing the
Fseq track-to-operator assignments can, however, produce some interesting variations. Please note that the Fseq Tr
assignments apply to both the voiced and unvoiced operators.
• 03: Form (V)
Spectral Form
Settings: sine, all1, all2, odd1, odd2, res1, res2, frmt
This parameter specifies the “spectral form” of the currently selected operator.
all 1
The operator will generate a sine wave which can be used for additive or FM synthesis.
Broad band — including all harmonics.
all 2
Narrow band — including all harmonics.
odd 1
Broad band — odd harmonics only.
odd 2
Narrow band — odd harmonics only.
Resonant broad band.
res 1
Resonant narrow band.
The operator will function as a formant for formant-shaping synthesis.
2/FS1R/EDIT/E.qx 10/19/98 7:23 PM Page 62