Use the CURSOR [
] and[
] buttons to select the bank (Pre/Int) or number parameter, and the VALUE [
] and
] buttons to set as required. “Pre” (Preset) or “Int” (Internal) can be selected when the left triangular
pointer is highlighted, and the Fseq number can be selected when the right triangular pointer is highlighted.
Please note that only the Fseq pitch data will be effective if the EDIT [VOICE] mode OPERATOR/Osc/FseqSw parameter is turned off for all
• 03: Mode
Play Mode
Settings: scratch, fseq
Selects the “fseq” or “scratch” Fseq playback mode.
• 04: KeyOnTrig
Key On Trigger
Settings: all, first
Determines how Fseq playback is triggered when several notes are played simultaneously. When “first” is selected,
Fseq playback is triggered by the first note played. The “all” setting, which can only be selected when the “poly”
mode is selected (page 41), causes Fseq playback to be retriggered by each note played.
• 05: Speed
Play Speed Ratio
Settings: midi1/4, midi1/2, midi, midi2/1, midi4/1, 10.0 … 500.0
Specifies the Fseq playback speed when the “fseq” mode is selected via the Mode parameter, above.
Numeric values (10.0 … 500.0) correspond to a percentage of the original Fseq playback speed.
The “midi” setting allows the Fseq playback speed to be controlled directly via a MIDI clock signal applied to the
MIDI IN connector, although playback may not be in perfect synchronization with the MIDI clock. Fractional “midi”
settings - i.e. midi1/4, midi1/2, midi2/1, midi4/1 - have the same effect, but at the specified fraction of the MIDI clock
• 06: Speed Vel
Speed Velocity Sensitivity
Settings: 0 … 7
When a Tempo Vel value other than “0” is specified, Fseq playback speed in the “fseq” mode (see Mode parameter,
above) can be varied by note velocity (e.g. keyboard initial touch response). The higher the value, the greater the
amount of speed variation can be produced.
• 07: Level Vel
Level Velocity Sensitivity
Settings: -64 … +63
Determines to what degree the level of Fseq playback will be affected by note velocity. With positive values higher
velocity produces higher level, and with negative values higher velocity produces lower level.
Both the velocity values and Amp Vel parameter settings (page 68) affect operators for which the Fseq SW
parameter (page 62) is turned off, while only the velocity values affect operators for which the Fseq SW parameter is
turned on.
This is the normal Fseq playback mode. Fseq playback speed is basically determined by the Play Speed Ratio setting, below.
Variations, however, can be produced by velocity variations, as determined by the Speed Vel parameter, below.
When this mode is selected and the FseqScratch parameter is selected as the controller destination (“CtrlDst,” above) for a voice
control set, the formant sequence is played manually by the assigned controller.
2/FS1R/EDIT/E.qx 10/19/98 7:23 PM Page 33