Columbus McKinnon Industrial Products GmbH
(List is not complete)
Do not exceed the rated load capacity (nominal load) of the unit, trolley (if applicable) as well as the supporting structure.
ATTENTION: When operating multiple ropes, the sum of the rated load capacities of the individual rope outlets should not
exceed the total rated load capacity.
The unit must not be used for pulling free fixed loads. It is also prohibited to allow loads to drop when the rope is in a slack condition
(danger of rope breakage).
Removing or covering labels (e.g. adhesive stickers), warning information signs or the rating plate is prohibited. Removed or illegible
labels and instructions must be immediately replaced.
When transporting loads ensure that the load does not swing or come into contact with other objects.
Excessive inching operation by short and frequent actuation of the control switch should be avoided.
Do not use the hoist/trolley for the transportation of people
Performing welding jobs on the lifting unit, the rope drum and the rope is prohibited. The rope should never be used as an earth
connection during welding.
Lateral loading of the hoisting rope (inclined hoisting) that results in a deflection angle exceeding 4° on the rope drum is prohibited.
The wire rope must not be used for lashing purposes (sling rope).