background image

Supplied Material:

Each package contains:

-   Water meter

-   Optional connection kits if ordered

General Instructions:

Please read this guide prior to installing the water meter. 

The water meter is designed for use with potable water 

for residential activities. The meters must be stored in 

a dry, cool place, free of contamination. Please make 

sure that during installation all hygienic standards and 

recommendations are respected.


These installation instructions apply to velocity water 

meters. Velocity meters with mechanical register can 

be installed like shown in picture 


. Due to the risk of 

damaging the gears in the register a top down installation 

is not allowed.

Permissible Operating Conditions

•   Cold water meter 120, 120C, 412 family, 420 family, 

ResidiaJet family, 820: 0.1°C ... 50 °C 

•   Warm water meter 120, 120C, ResidiaJet family: 30 °C 

... 90 °C

•   Pressure stage: from 0,3 bar (0,03 MPa) to 16 bar



•   Mechanical  environment:  M2  (MID)  fixed  installation 

with significant or high levels of vibration and shock

•   Climatic environment:

  - 120, 120C, 412 family, 820, ResidiaJet, ResidiaJet-C: 
    5 °C ... 70 °C


- 420 family:  -10 °C .... 55 °C 



•   Meters have to be installed in a stress free condition

Please also note the directions in accordance with:


 EN 14154-:2005+A2:2011 (water meter-part 2, 

installation and requirements for usage)

•   ISO 4064:2014-5 (installation requirements)

•  DIN 1988-200 (TRWI-planning and implementation, 

components, ...) 

Meters must be installed grounded and tension free, 

without any mechanical stress on water pipes. For this we 

recommend installing meters using a metal meter bracket 

with  length  compensation  fittings  (thread  dimension  acc. 

EN ISO 228-1:200 Class B). In cases where the installation 

site is not prepared with these brackets, we recommend 

the permanent use of a potential compensator (“grounding 

kit”). This will prevent serious accidents during installation 

and operation due to hazardous leakage currents.

The accessory grounding kit is also available for purchase 

from Sensus. 

The meter  does not need any straight upstream or 

downstream pipe (U0D0).


Before uninstalling the old meter first close outlet valve at 

output, then close inlet valve!

Thoroughly flush pipe to prevent contamination of the new 

meter with dirt, sediments and/or particulates.

The infiltration of dirt, sediments and/or particles into the 

meter may damage it and prevent it from operating correctly.



Use new sealing washers.

Install  the  meter  in  the  correct  flow  direction.  Please 

note that the connection threads may be sharp-edged.


Connect meter on one side with the unions

Use your hands to fasten the unions! Then use key.


Finalizing meter connection

Prevent rotation of the meter while tightening unions.

Repeat process for the remaining connection as 

described in pictures 1-2-3-4. Then tighten the unions with  

a wrench.

Turn register in proper position for optimum readout (only 

possible with ResidiaJet, ResidiaJet-C, 120 and 120C).


First filling

Inlet side: slowly open the inlet valve.

Check for leaks.

Outlet side: slowly open the outlet valve.


Improper first filling may lead to water hammer or


measuring insert overspeeding which can 

damage the meter and prevent it from operating 




When using a non return valve (NRV) please use 

the appropriate gaskets  depending on the shape of the 

connection pipe. It is not possible to use a NRV with 

ResidiaJet, ResidiaJet-C, 120 and 120C.


Water meters are conformity assessed or calibrated 

measuring instruments. Exposing them to hard shock or not 

protecting them against  freezing  can  cause  irreparable 

damage.  Exposure  to  excessive  heat  can  damage  the 



 Orientation of the display.

MD 1770

Installation instructions for velocity water meters











412 family

420 family


120, 120C

Residia family


































Содержание Sensus MD 1770

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