XSD27ZS Operating Manual
5. Camera : Display the movement type of camera
6. Date of Manufacture: August 2012
7. Manufacturer: Xvision
8. Exit: Exit the sub menu of system information
1. Zoom Speed: Fast, medium and slow
2. Digital Zoom: On and off
3. White Balance: Automatic
4. R gain: 1-225 (white balance manually effective)
5. B gain: 0-225 (white balance manually effective)
6. Exposure Setting: 0-7
7. Backlight Compensation: On and off
8. Image Freezing: On and off
9. Wide Dynamic Mode: Automatic, off and manual
10. Wide Dynamic Level: 0-128 (wide dynamic manually effective)
11. Image Mirror: On and off
12. Colour-to-black setting: Automatic, on and off
13. Image Effect: Off, inverse colour and white-band-black
14. Image Rollover: On and off
15. Camera Display: On and off
16. Minimum Focus: 1cm, 10cm, 30cm and 100cm
17. Save: Save the settings and exit sub menu
18. Exit: Exit the sub menu without saving the modification
1. Area Scanning Speed: Fast, medium and slow
2. Manual Rotation Speed: Fast, medium and slow
3. Guarding Position: Preset location 0-225 (0:closing the guard position)
4. Recall Time: Set the time for automatic recall and duration when it will not be controlled
or return to the guard position time: 0-225s
5. Vertical Automatic Rollover: Dome 180° automatic rollover on/off
6. Setting of Status Bar: On and Off
XSD27ZS - Operating Manual