XSD27ZS Operating Manual
1. Press control keyboard or use matrix to execute the command of ‘call 95th preset
location’ to enter and set main menu
2. After the main menu page appears, press ‘up or down’ icon to move the cursor to the
submenu option to be set and press ‘right’ icon to enter this submenu setting page
3. After submenu page appears, press ‘up or down’ icon to move the cursor to the option
to be set and press ‘right’ icon to change or set the content of this option
4. The contents normally fall into 2 types; Digit type and List Type. The blink indication
means that the content of the option can be changed.
For Digit type: press the 'left or right' icon to select the input location, press 'up or down
icon to modify the value. To confirm and quit the option setting, move the cursor to the
last digit and press 'right'.
For List type; press 'up or down' to modify the content of option and press 'right' to
confirm and quit the option setting.
1. System Information: Check dome information (such as version, address, communication,
2. Camera Setting: Set the camera parameters
3. Privacy Shelter: Set the parameters for privacy masking
4. Auxiliary Setting: Set some auxiliary parameters of the dome
5. Scanning Setting: Set the scan sequence of preset location
6. Title Setting: Set regional title by input method
7. Alarm Linkage: Alarming setting
8. Defaulted Setting: Recovery the defaulted setting of the dome
9. Exit: Exit the main menu
3.3.2 MENU SET
1. Version No. : The version number of the dome fixed ware
2. Address: Dome address to be set by dial switch
3. Communication: Communication Baud rate
4. Protocol: Communication protocol PELCO-D
XSD27ZS - Operating Manual