Xtreme Power Conversion Corporation
Web/SNMP Cards
Page 50
UPS Management
6. Set UPS Devices Connected
This allows you to setup the System Name, Rating which connected., Connected.
7. Set System Time & Time Server
This allows you to setup the System date, time and two time servers.
8. Set Web and Telnet User Account
This is allows to set users account’s authority.
9. Set E-mail
This is allows to set e-mail accounts to receive power event notification for emergency management.
a. Reset Configuration to Default.
Set all values to their default settings.
b. Save & Reboot.
Save the current configuration data, including any changes you have made, and reboot the Net Agent.
0. Exit Without Saving.
Exit, all configuration changes will be lost.
Telnet Configuration
Use Putty software to configure SSH Telnet encryption on NetAgent 9. This only apply to NetAgent 9 models of
CX, DX and BX.
Following is the configuration of SSH Telnet
• Enter the IP address of NetAgent 9 and click on Enter
• Enter the username / password