5.4.4 Delete Device
Delete camera from its current NVR channel.
“Delete” allows you to delete one channel at a time.
“Delete All” allows you to delete all channels at once.
Operation Steps:
Right click the mouse to pop out NVR main menu, then click “Device Manage” to enter device
manage interface.
Select one channel from bottom box and click “Delete”. The camera will be deleted from this
channel, and you shall no longer see the camera video on your monitor. This channel will become
unoccupied, and show No Video Source under Status.
Click “Delete All” button will delete all the IP Cameras that are added to the NVR. We suggest users
use this button cautiously, because after deleting all cameras from the NVR, you need to hard wire
them to NVR to repair them manually, which is not easy.
5.4.5 Manual Edit
Edit channel information, including protocols, IP address, port number, username,
password, and stream type.