Right click your NVR mouse to pop out NVR main menu, then click Device Manage. Select the
channel that you want to hard wire from bottom box and click Delete. The channel will become
unoccupied, with status No Video Source.
Connect the camera to your router’s LAN port with a network cable. Plug the camera to power.
The Ethernet port on the camera cable end will light up.
Go to Device Manage interface, click “Refresh” on upper right, you’ll see the camera show in
upper box.
Select the unoccupied channel from bottom box, then double click the camera in upper box. This
will add the camera to NVR. And once finish pairing, you shall see the camera display video on
monitor, and the channel status change to Connect Success.
Now the camera is working wired, please keep the camera hard wired to router to get it work.
Since the camera is paired to work wired, it needs to be keep hard wired to router with
network cable to work. And the channel IP address is different from other wireless channels.
Usually the channel IP address for wired camera is 192.168.1.xx or 10.0.0.xx, which is in the same
network segment of your router.
More details can be found here: