2. Execute
./rfsoc_flash_qspi.sh <RFSOC BOOT.BIN absolute file path>
[<QSPI flash offset> [<PCIe BDF>]]
inside the
3. Wait until the message “Programmed boot image” appears.
Flashing the SC Image Using the sc_flash Script
1. Verify the SC state. Execute
./sc_flash.sh get_sc_state
. The card should be in
normal mode before writing the SC image, as shown below:
SC is in NORMAL mode
2. Verify the SC firmware version. Execute
./sc_flash.sh get_sc_fw_version
. A
possible successful output is shown below:
SC fw version: 01.02.00
3. Bring the card in
mode. For the first time, execute
<image_name> <bsl_password_file>
. The expected output is as follows:
"Please reboot the Host and re-run the command"
4. Reboot the host.
5. Program the SC image. For the second time, execute
./sc_flash.sh <image_name>
Running host Application
Fw upgrade started
Fw image Data > @0[16]
Fw image Data > @200[16]
Fw image Data > @1AE20[16]
Fw image Data > @3F000[16]
[flash_mem_sections] : 4
Programming SC firmware image... (100%)
Programmed SC firmware image done successfully
6. During the upgrade, the SC state should be
, as shown below.
SC is in FW_UPDATE mode
./sc_flash.sh get_sc_state
Chapter 4: T1 Factory Installed Image
UG1518 (v1.0) December 17, 2021
T1 Telco Accelerator Card Installation Guide