UltraLo-1800 Alpha Particle Counter
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). This is especially problematic when the sample is not flat as any
features will cause local distortions.
The only solution to samples with features on their surfaces is careful measurement. However, the
UltraLo-1800 does have the ability to adjust the height of the tray in order to measure thicker samples.
Adjusting the blocks under the sample tray to move thick samples closer to the intended distance from
the electrode makes measurements on them very simple. See
for details on
how to adjust the blocks.
Bulk Sources
Bulk sources are materials whose alpha emitters are distributed throughout their entire volume.
This results in a broad tail of events going down to low energy from the main peak, the main peak being
from the alpha emissions at or near the surface. The UltraLo-1800 will count these types of materials
well, but it is only capable of measuring the emissivity, that is the amount of radiation leaving a surface.
This is not the same as the rate of decays throughout the entire sample. Additionally, as with any
counter there is a cutoff energy below which the UltraLo-1800 isn’t sensitive. You can see this in Figure
IX-1, where no alphas below approximately 1.5 MeV (or 750 ADC) register in the detector. The energy at
which about half of events register is around 2.5 MeV. The cutoff energy is dependent on the anode
trigger threshold, the cutoffs cited here are based on measurements taken at the recommended
threshold value of 175. Additionally, the exact cutoff at a given threshold will vary per counter. With
surface sources this isn’t an issue as no alpha particle has an energy that low, but with bulk sources it
means that the detector won’t see events originating below a certain depth. Finally, with a bulk source
the alpha energy spectrum will be “smeared” down to the cutoff energy due to alpha particles emitted
from the bulk losing energy as they pass through the sample material.
Figure IX-1: A bulk source with no alphas below about 1.5 MeV (750 ADC).