7 Maintenance
IPsec Data Encryption
IPsec (Security Architecture for Internet Protocol) is a suite of protocols that provide
authentication using IKE, and encryption of each IP packet in order to ensure tamper-proof
and confidential communications.
This feature is not supported on the model available in China.
Enabling IPsec allows you to encrypt IP communications. This can prevent third parties
from seeing and tampering data via communication path, even for applications that do not
support encryption.
To Enable IPsec
The following explains how to configure various settings required to enable IPsec on
CentreWare Internet Services. For more information, refer to the online help provided for
CentreWare Internet Services.
Launch your web browser and access CentreWare Internet Services.
• For information on how to access CentreWare Internet Services, refer to "Configuring the Printer Using
CentreWare Internet Services" (P. 28).
Click the [Properties] tab.
From the menu displayed on the left, click [IPsec] under [Security].
The [IPsec] page is displayed.
For [Protocol], select the [Enabled] check box.
For [Shared Key], enter the shared key, and for [Verify Shared Key], re-enter the
same shared key for verification.
For [IKE SA Life Time], specify the IKE SA lifetime.