Scan (Folder Operation)
This page allows you to configure Folder.
Follow the steps below to select the features available on the [Scan] tab.
Click [Scan] on the Main Panel of the home page.
Select the Folder hot link.
The [Folder] page is displayed.
Folder icons
Clicking the icon of a registered Folder displays [Folder: List of Files] page for the Folder.
Folder Number
Displays the Folder numbers. Clicking the number of a registered Folder displays the [Folder: List of Files] page for
the Folder.
Folder Name
Displays the names of Folders. Clicking the name of a registered Folder displays the [Folder: List of Files] page for
the Folder.
Number of Files in this Folder
Displays the number of files stored in each Folder.
File List
Displays the [Folder: List of Files] page for the selected Folder.
Deletes the selected Folder.
Displays the [Edit Folder] page for the selected Folder.