For Optimal Performance of the Security
The manager (of the organization that the machine is used for) needs to follow the instructions below:
Assign appropriate persons as system and machine administrators, and manage and train them properly.
The manager and system administrators have to train users about the security policies and procedures of their
The machine have to be placed in a secure or monitored area that provides protection from unmanaged
physical access to the machine.
If the network where the machine is installed is to be connected to external networks, configure the network
properly to block any unauthorized external access.
The users have to set a user ID and a passcode certainly on accounting configuration of printer driver.
Users and administrators have to set passcodes and encryption key according to the following rule for the
client PC login and the machine’s setup.
Do not use an easily guessed character strings passcode.
A passcode has to contain both numeric and alphabetic characters.
Users and administrators have to manage and operate it so that own user ID and passcode may not be
disclosed to another person.
Administrators have to set the account policy in the remote authentication server as follows.
Set password policy to [9 or more characters]
Set account lockout policy to [5 times]
For secure operation, all of the remote trusted IT products that communicate with the machine implement the
communication protocol in accordance with industry standard practice with respect to RFC/other standard
compliance (SSL/TLS, IPSec, SNMPv3, S/MIME ) and work as advertised.
The settings described below are required same as the machine’s configuration.
Set the SSL client (WEB browser) and SSL server that communicate with the machine as following data
encryption suite
(Specifically, the recommended browser is Microsoft internet Explorer 6/7/8, Mozilla Firefox 2.x/3.x )
Set the machine and E-mail clients as following Encryption Method/Message Digest Algorithm.
RC2 (128bit )/SHA1
3Key Triple-DES (168bit )/SHA1