Rover User Manual Version 3.0
Lifetime Stats
The $statsl command will return various performance statistics recorded since the last firmware
install as well as current statistics:
Lifetime Statistics Readout
Orientation Change Count
Times Orientation has registered as changed
Time of message
Last measured battery voltage (Loaded, Unloaded)
Total unit uptime in minutes
Power Cycle Count
Number of power cycles
Watchdog Reset Count
Number of errors
Lowest Battery Voltage
Lowest measured battery voltage
Highest Battery Voltage
Highest measured battery voltage
Iridium Message Count
The number of SBD messages queued for sending
Iridium Session Count
Total successful Iridium connections
Iridium On Time
Total successful Iridium connections on first try
Iridium Send Failures Non18
Iridium failures, excluding RF drop
Iridium Send Failures Type 18
Iridium failures due to RF drop
Bytes TX
Sum of all data sent in Bytes
Iridium Messages Received
Successfully received SBD messages
Bytes RX
Sum of all data received in Bytes
GPS Sessions
Total GPS attempts
GPS On Time
Total successful GPS fixes on first try
GPS Fix Count
Successful GPS fix count
GPS TTFF Average
Time to first fix, in seconds
High Temperature
Not used with the Rover
Low Temperature
Not used by the Rover
The $stats command will return performance statistics recorded since the last power-up. The
stats are like $statsl but exclude Power Cycle Count and Watchdog Reset Count. High and low
battery voltages using $stats will show the values for the last UTC Day.