Rover User Manual Version 3.0
Status Change Message (Type S)
Status messages are sent from the device when there has been a change to the operation of the
device, whether a timing change between modes (start-up mode to normal mode, alarm mode
to normal mode) or changes to the watch circle details. If watch circle is not enabled, its
information is omitted. This message is always sent in ASCII format.
S-Type Message with Watch Circle Disabled
Status Readout – Watch Circle Disabled
Timestamp in UTC (Month/Day/Hour)
Type of message (Status Change)
Status / Value Change
Indicates that a setting has been changed
gps = 10Mns
Currently used GPS repetition rate
ird = 10Mns
Currently used Iridium repetition rate
Latitude of latest fix
Longitude of latest fix
Sched hr = 0
Timing offset of Iridium/GPS sessions from UTC, set via $reporthour
S-Type Message with Watch Circle Enabled
Status Readout – Watch Circle Enabled
Timestamp in UTC (Month/Day/Hour)
Type of message (Status Change)
Status / Value Change
Indicates that a setting has been changed
gps = 10Mns
Currently used GPS repetition rate
ird = 10Mns
Currently used Iridium repetition rate
Indicating the lat/long/radius below are the centre of the circle
Latitude of installed watch circle
Longitude of installed watch circle
Radius of the watch circle in meters
Sched hr = 0
Timing offset of Iridium/GPS sessions from UTC, set via $reporthour