b) Speed
Start the treadmill by pressing the “+ button” (with a light tap of the fingertip on the touch screen). The treadmill
starts moving with no resistance whatsoever and at very low speed. To increase speed, press the "+ button"
several times in succession or hold it down until the desired speed has been reached.
To slow down, press the “- button”. Speed will diminish gradually. You can either press this button several times in
succession or hold it down continuously until the desired speed has been reached.
To stop more quickly, press the “Stop” button on the touch screen. How quickly it stops depends on the speed
with which it is running at the time the button is pressed. The faster you are running, the longer it takes to stop - in
any case, the shut down is always comfortable and never too abrupt.
Caution – Possible danger of injury or damage.
Do not use the Emergency Stop systems to stop under normal circumstances. Actuating the
Emergency Stop systems implies that there is an emergency situation, which is why the
treadmill stops much more abruptly than with the normal "Stop” button.
The direction of travel can be changed while the belt is not in motion (option: Reverse switch). Press the “+/-
button”, which appears in place of the “- button”. In reverse mode, the maximum allowable speed in 10 km/h and
the maximum inclination is 10%. Each time you restart the system or press the Stop button or exit the manual
operation mode, the direction of travel automatically resets to forward.
a) Inclination
To activate the inclination (for running uphill or downhill, the latter being an optional feature), press the “ button”
for going uphill and the “ button” for going downhill.
Using the handrail-mounted keypad
b) Speed
Start the treadmill by pressing the green “+ button”. The treadmill starts moving with no resistance whatsoever and
at very low speed. To increase speed, press the "+ button" several times in succession or hold it down until the
desired speed has been reached.
To slow down, press the blue “- button”. Speed will diminish gradually. You can either press this button several
times in succession or hold it down continuously until the desired speed has been reached.
To stop more quickly, use the red “Stop” button. Pressing it once briefly causes the treadmill to stop relatively
suddenly. How quickly it stops depends on the speed with which it is running at the time the button is pressed.
The faster you are running, the longer it takes to stop - in any case, the shut down is always comfortable and
never too abrupt.
Caution – Possible danger of injury or damage.
Do not use the Emergency Stop systems to stop under normal circumstances. Actuating the
Emergency Stop systems implies that there is an emergency situation, which is why the
treadmill stops much more abruptly than with the normal "Stop” button.
c) Inclination
To activate the inclination (for running uphill or downhill, the latter being an optional feature), press the yellow
“ button” for going uphill and the yellow “ button” for going downhill.