October 2021
SMI 2 User Guide
Rev. C
Page 2
Figures at End of User Guide
Figure 1
SFC Machine Interface 2
Figure 2
SFC Machine Interface 2 (Press Wiring Diagram)
Figure 2 - SFC Machine Interface 2 (24 VDC Wiring Diagram)
ADDENDUM - SMI 2 User Guide
This User Guide is intended to be used
on an interim basis - in conjunction with the SMI 2 user
manual while the final manual is completed. Included are explanations of the modified SMI 2 Menus
and new settings. This guide applies to HMI code version 3.63. For older version some features may
not be available.
NOTE: There is a 30-character limit on all entry fields (with one exception
See below). Allowable
characters include numbers, upper and lowercase letters, spaces, and the special characters:
. - _ [ ] { } \ = * # + ~ % $
Data can be entered into the fields manually, or by the use of a scann
er connected to the SMI 2’s USB
The one exception to the 30-character limit is the Primary when it is set to
Tool # (123)
. This
particular primary type is intended to match the Wintriss SmartPAC 1 and SmartPAC 2 controls and is
limited to 7 numeric characters only.
Note: Not all the available Icon/Buttons and their data fields in the SMI 2 are applicable to all machine
types. When a data field does not apply to a specific application, it can be hidden. This guide shows all
the data entry fields. If your SMI 2 does not show a particular field, it is likely hidden because it is not
needed. To identify which Icon/Buttons and their data entry fields can be hidden from the main menu,
refer to the Icon/Buttons table (See page 4).