3.3.2 Configuration of local input Configuration of Rain Safety signal
To start the configuration of the local input signal:
Press “Configuration”
“error down”
“Local Input”
Select “S1 X2.2” to configure the digital input connected to the Rain sensor.
Make sure nothing is selected in the “Control smoke zones”.
Press “Control motor groups” <> and select “Motor Group 3”.
Press “”Function in controlled motor groups” <> and select “Safety”.
Activating the input signal will now send a “Safety” signal to MotorGroup 3 – the roof windows.
In the “View all details”
“Motor group”
“3” you can set the “Comfort safety maximum position” in %.
Default position is 0%. Configuration of smoke sensors
To start the configuration of the local input signal:
Press “Configuration”
“error down”
“Local Input”
Select “S3 X1” to configure the input of the Smoke detectors.
Press “Control smoke zones <> and select 1.
“Function in controlled smoke zones” <> and select “Line B”.
“Line B” (fire alarm priority B) is normally used with Smoke detectors but you should consult the buildings
smoke ventilation strategy document to determine the appropriate function (priority) for the specific