Manual: R4000-XX-X-000-X-X_EN
Release: 1.20
©Elotech GmbH
Seite 25 / 48
Hints for adjusting the control parameters:
As standard the controller operates in PD/I control mode, i.e. controlling without deviation
and with practically no overshoot during start-up.
The control action can be altered in its structure by adjusting the following parameters:
a. no control action (on-off)
Setting P = off
Continuing with the parameter “switching difference“
b. P-action
Setting D and I = off
c. PD-action
Setting I = off
d. PI-action
Setting D = off
e. PD/I
Modified PID-mode (set: P,D,I)
Depending on the configuration, certain parameters are not visible.
Menu: Heating Control Parameter
Only visible in operating modes heating or heating-cooling
P (Xp)
0.1 ...400.0K
Proportional range
Unit: Kelvin
D (Tv)
OFF, 1 … 200s
Derivative time
I (Tn)
OFF, 1 … 1000s
Reset time
0.5 … 240.0s
The switching frequency of the actuator can be deter-
mined through the cycle time. In this time interval the
controller switches on and off once.
Voltage outputs for solid state relays (SSR):
Cycle time: 0,5...10 s
Preferred settings for rapid control processes: 0,8s
Relay outputs: Cycle time: > 10 s
The cycle time should be adjusted to a time as long as
possible in order to minimize wear of the relay contacts.
Max. Output
0 .. 100%
The limitation of the output ratio is only necessary, if the
heating energy supply is grossly oversized compared to
the power required.
Normally it should be switched off (Setting: 100 %).
The limitation becomes effective when the controllers
calculated output ratio is greater than the maximum
permissible (limited) ratio.
The output ratio limiting does not work dur-
ing autotune.
Only adjustable if ”(xp)“ = off (on-off action, without feedback)
OFF, 0.1 … 80.0
For measuring range without decimal point
OFF, 0.01 ... 8.00
For measuring range with decimal point