Manual: R4000-XX-X-000-X-X_EN
Release: 1.20
©Elotech GmbH
Seite 23 / 48
Window: Parameter
This window is used as a display and input of all zone-parameters for all zones.
The header displays on the left the zone number
and the window name “Parameter”. On the right
the zone name “Tank 1” is shown.
The selected parameter is displayed in the middle
with light blue background.
By pressing the +/- Buttons on the right (or
pressing the upper or lower areas of the list) the
list can slide up or down.
Pressing the selected parameter will switch to a
corresponding selection window.
“+” switchover to the next zone.
Display of the current zone number
“ - ” switchover to the previous zone.
Hold down < 1 sec. = Return to previous window
Hold down > 1 sec. = Jump to window “Actual Process Value“
Jump to window “Main“
Zone – Parameter list
Conf. Indica-
Measuring- or controlling zone switched off
Controlling zone active
Measuring zone active
If you switch to Controller or Indicator, a wizard is started to set the correct sensor and
unit configuration.
Setpoint 1 / 2
Setpoint 1 / Setpoint 2
Setpoint 1
Setpoint min …
Setpoint max
Setpoint 1
<§> =
Setpoint 2
OFF(Setpoint min) …
Setpoint max
Setpoint 2
<§> =
As soon as the logic input In_1 is on level 1, setpoint
2 will become active on all zones in which the ad-
justed value is unlike “Off“.