Manual: R4000-XX-X-000-X-X_EN
Release: 1.20
©Elotech GmbH
Seite 16 / 48
Window: Selection with tiles
The header displays the zone number and the
parameter name on the left, here “Conf. Indica-
By pressing the tile key, the element can be se-
Black text on a white background is used to display
the selected element.
In order to save the parameter value, the “SAVE”-
key needs to be pressed.
Selected element.
Not selected element.
“+” switchover to the next zone.
Display of the current zone number
“–” switchover to the previous zone.
Saving of selection and return to previous window. When pressing
“SAVE” for >1s a selection window opens up, in which the parameter
value can be saved onto other zones simultaneously.
See 5.3.4 Window: Saving to multiple zones
Return to previous window
Window: Selection List view
The header displays the zone and the parameter
name, here “Zone On/Off“.
The actual value is displayed in the middle with
light blue background.
By pressing the +/- Buttons on the right (or
pressing the upper or lower areas of the list) the
list can slide up or down.
In order to save the parameter value, the
“SAVE”-key needs to be pressed.
“+” switchover to the next zone.
Display of the current zone number
“ – ” switchover to the previous zone.
Saving of selection and return to previous window
When pressing “SAVE” for >1s a selection window opens up, in which
the parameter value can be saved onto other zones simultaneously.
See 5.3.4 Window: Saving to multiple zones
Return to previous window