The flue terminal cover plate can now be
fiMed to the outside wall. Slide the
mounng plate over the outer flue,
checking the 3 holes line up with the flue,
then mark the 4 posions to fix the
mounng plate to the wall. Drill the
appropriate holes in the outside wall.
Using a suitable waterproof sealant
(silicone) on the rear face, fix it to the
wall using the 4 screws and plugs
provided. Now fit the 3 screws to secure
the outer horizontal flue to the cover
plate. See adjacent diagram.
The flue terminal can now be fiMed to the outside wall. Ensuring the inner corrugated flue inside the terminal is
inserted into the inner horizontal flue, carefully present the flue terminal to the cover plate. Fix the flue
terminal to the cover plate using the 6 screws provided—see diagrams below.