Ensure that all dust and rubble is removed from the area. If any wall cladding exists ensure that it is removed and
then pack the cavity surrounding the opening with at least 5” (125mm) of Rockwool above and at each side. All
four sides of the cavity should now be lined with non combusble board to ensure that heat cannot enter the
Remove the outer box and drill the hole for the flue (6” diameter) and drill the securing holes with an appropriate
masonry drill.
When drilling the hole it is advisable that a pilot hole is drilled first. The 6”
hole should be drilled to approxi-
mately half the brick depth then complete the hole by drilling from the outside of the building, this will ensure
that the entry and exit of the hole are clean.
Mark the fixing posions
of the outer box, as
shown in this diagram.
Two holes in the base and
one hole each side near
the top of the box. Take
care in marking these
posions to ensure the
appliance is si8ng plumb
and parallel to the wall.
Make good the wall around the high temperature board.
To ensure that no cracking occurs between the exisng plastered wall and the new high temperature board, fix
the two materials securely to the wall and to each other around the joint line. Then, using a suitable filler materi-
al, blend the two surfaces in preparaon for decorang to take place.