WIKA operating instructions, model CTR3000
14191761.01 05/2019 EN/DE
New probe [Resistance thermometers]
1. To configure a new resistance thermometer press the button
[Resistance thermometer (PRT, SPRT)]
The menu with all settings opens on the right.
2. Enter the desired settings.
3. Confirm with button
Probe name
A unique name (e.g. certificate number or serial number) must be entered for the new thermometer.
This name is also shown later under the existing probes and for this name a search can be done. The input can be done via
the QWERTZ keyboard.
Please mark the thermometer as reference or not. This is important for the scan mode - see chapter 6.4.6 “Application
[Calibration]” because the difference between the first reference and the test item will be calculated and displayed in the
information bar.
6. Commissioning, operation