page 26
D-12 / July 2006
To Copy Groups
It is possible to take a bank of channels and duplicate it to
another channel bank of equal number. Press the COPY button,
then press the desired SET buttons on the source bank. The
COPY button and the source bank SET buttons will flash in
concert. Then press the PASTE button, which will begin flash-
ing; press the desired target channel SET buttons, which will
flash in concert with the PASTE button. To execute, press the
TAKE button.
This function can be used to copy the settings from any
number of channels to an equal size group of channels. The
channels in each group do not have to be consecutive, and
channels within a group can be a mixture from each PAGE if
desired. There can even be overlap; for example, you can choose
to copy from channels 1, 2, and 3 to channels 2, 4, and 5. After
this copy, channels 1 and 3 would not have changed, channel 2
would be set as channel 1 had been, channel 4 would be set as
channel 2 had been, and channel 5 would be set as channel 3 had been.
When selecting channels for the COPY and PASTE sets, the order in
which you press the buttons matters. For example, if you selected, in order,
channels 1, 2, 4 and 3 for COPY, and then selected, in order, channels 5,
7, 6, and 8 for PASTE, the end result would be that channel 5 would have
channel 1 settings, channel 6 would have channel 4 settings, channel 7
would have channel 2 settings, and channel 8 would have channel 3
settings. Not that this is something you would necessarily want to do, but
that’s what would happen. To reiterate, order matters when selecting the
COPY and PASTE sets.
If the size of the COPY and PASTE groups are different, TAKE will
not effect the change, except for the special case of Copy One and Paste
Many, described next.
To Copy One and Paste Many
Press the COPY button, and then the desired source channel SET
button; both will flash in concert. Then press the PASTE button and the
target channel SET buttons, which will flash in concert with the PASTE
button. To execute, press the TAKE button.
To Copy One To All
Press the COPY button, and then the desired source channel SET
button; both will flash in concert. Then press PASTE ALL, which will
commence flashing. To execute the global paste, press TAKE.
NOTE: If the TAKE button is not pressed within a timeout period of
10 seconds, the entire copy/paste operation will cancel out.