page 5
D-8 / Feb 2009
panel), the available inputs are displayed in the
fader’s 8-character SOURCE display. When
the desired input source is scrolled into the
SOURCE window, pressing the TAKE button
(on the MON-D8 panel) will cause that source
to be switched to the input of the channel, and
the source name will be displayed in the
SOURCE window.
SET Button
The SET button is located at the top of each fader strip and forces the focus
of the VGA to the selected input fader strip. This allows the operator to access
various controls and displays in the MON-D8 panel and apply them to the
selected channel. To use, press the SET button and then make your appropri-
ate section settings in other areas of the control surface. Once a SET button
has been pressed, the button lights up, and all setting changes will apply to that
input channel until a different input SET button is pressed. The SET function
may be configured in the Options.txt file (see Appendix 1) to automatically
timeout after 20 seconds.
Each channel of the input panel has two AUX send knobs (AUX 1 and
AUX 2) to set the level of the channel’s audio in the AUX SENDS. Two
switches (ON 1 and ON 2), determine whether the channel feeds AUX 1
(ON 1) and/or AUX 2 (ON 2). Aux sends may be pre-configured in the
Options.txt file to be tapped pre or post fader. See the User Programming
section in the Appendix 2 of this manual for details.
Mute Assign Displays
Each fader can be assigned in any combination to MUTE MASTER A, B,
C, or D by pressing the fader’s SET button, then selecting the desired INPUT
CHANNEL MUTE ASSIGN switch located at the top of the MASTER fader
panel. The MUTE indicator LED’s on the fader strip will light solid to indicate
the assignment and flash slowly when muted. Any channel that is assigned to
a MUTE MASTER will be muted when the corresponding MUTE MASTER
is activated. Mute masters are useful for turning several microphone faders
Off with a single button press - like when going to a break.
ASSIGN Switches - 5.1/ST 1 and ST 2
ASSIGN buttons assign the input channel signal to the two main buses:
5.1 (surround)/ST 1 (stereo 1) and ST 2 (stereo 2), respectively. The buttons
light up to show which buses the input channel has been assigned to. Note that
the 5.1/ST 1 switch routes to the first master bus. This master bus has been pre-
configured to be a surround bus or stereo bus; it is not two separate buses.
MON-D8 Panel