page 41
D-8 / Feb 2009
at signal ID 1000 and above. The names of these signals are of the form
GxTALLY, where G tells us that the surface is in the G-series (a surface in the
D-series would have a D in place of the G) and x is a number indicating which
of (possibly) several surfaces this signal is specific to. This all assumes that
you haven’t renamed the surface. GxTALLY will be one of the last Sources
seen for a particular surface. You may want to lock this crosspoint to prevent
it from being accidentally disconnected.
STEP 3 — Modify the Vdip settings
Next you will need to make the VDip settings for the surface inputs you
want to trigger the tally with. Please note that the VDip settings apply to an
input SIGNAL, and not to a surface channel.
• select the Configure | VDip Settings menu item in XPoint - defaults to
• unless you want the tally to activate whenever any surface channel is ON,
select the Per Signal Tab - it will be helpful if you write down the signal
ID numbers of the sources that will trigger the tally before you get to this
point - for our example, assume the signals Mic1, Mic2, and Mic3 will
be used, and that the signal IDs for these three signals are 33, 34, and 35
• highlight the Input Signal Id box entry (defaults to 1) and type 33 - the
signal name of Mic1 is now also displayed
• click Override Defaults - put a check mark in the Studio Tally box labeled
• using the up arrow in the Id box, select 34 and repeat step 4 - and once
more for Id 35
• Click OK
STEP 4 — Wire up the logic port
The only thing left to do is to wire up the logic card’s output port 1 to the
external circuitry (usually a relay) that will activate the tally light itself. Refer
to the Wheatstone BRIDGE Generation Digital Audio Network System
Technical Manual. In the Hardware chapter subsection that deals with the
Logic Input/Output Card (LIO-2001) there is a diagram that indicates how the
external wiring is done (page 2-77). Output port 1 appears on pins 12 and 25
of the LOWER DB-25 connector (see page 2-82 for the pinouts).
This should be sufficient information for you to set up a Control Room or
Studio tally.