Control Panel - User Manual
5 - Basic functions of the control panel
Page 22 of 30
Revision: D
Doc.no.: UM-22031
5.6. Switching on the power supply for the servo drives
The power supply for the servo drives can be switched on at the HT 400 (RC)
control panel (= same function as pushbutton at the front panel of the controller).
This is how to switch the power supply:
Press the „Servo-on key“.
The power supply for the servo drives in now switched on.
5.7. Special functions
Press the „Shift key“.plus „Activating-key“
This combination can launch a special function depending on front end
software used. on.
5.8. Battery charge control (HT 400 RC)
Green LED.
100% power.
LED on the right blinks green.
Battery „is being charged“
Yellow LED.
50% power.
Red LED.
10% power.
Red LED blinking.
Approx 0% power..
Red LED blinking will cause an emergency-stop. Charge or replace battery.