Torque Rotary Unit ST0055A / ST0075A / ST0140A
12.1 Basic information on operation
Incorrect or unsuitable parameter values or settings can cause unintended
movements, trigger signals, and compromise functional safety.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, and
equipment damage.
Verify that parameter values and settings can only be modified by authorized
personnel who fully understand each and every effect of such a modification.
Verify that all parameter values and settings are correct by performing a test run.
If the holding brake becomes inoperative, the output flange can move even if the
motor is at a standstill.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, and
equipment damage.
Block or safeguard the output flange in such a way that a movement of the output
flange is safely prevented before starting work on the output flange.
The product is a partly complete machine pursuant to Directive 2006/42/EU and intended to be
incorporated into or assembled with other machinery. The information required for operation results
from the functionality of the machine or system into which the product is incorporated and from the
application implemented with it.
The instructions for the safe operation of the final machine or system must be provided by the system
integrator (the person who incorporates the product in a machine pursuant to Directive 2006/42/EU)
and/or the operator in the form of a manual with operating instructions,
These operating instructions must be a complete manual which describes all work on and with
the product and which contains all information relevant to the product. The system integrator and/
or operator must ensure compliance of the operating instructions with all applicable directives,
regulations, and standards.
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