Auto IP Report Protocol
IE-CS(T)-2TX-xRS232/485s provide several ways to configure Ethernet IP addresses. One of them is DHCP
Client. When you set up the IE-CS(T)-2TX-xRS232/485 to use DHCP Client to configure Ethernet IP addresses,
it will automatically send a DHCP request over the Ethernet to find the DHCP Server. And then the DHCP Server
will send an available IP address to the IE-CS(T)-2TX-xRS232/485. The IE-CS(T)-2TX-xRS232/485 will use this
IP address for a period of time after receiving it. But the IE-CS(T)-2TX-xRS232/485 will send a DHCP request
again to the DHCP Server. Once the DHCP Server realizes that this IP address is to be released to other DHCP
Client, the IE-CS(T)-2TX-xRS232/485 then will receive a different IP address. For this reason, users sometimes
find that the IE-CS(T)-2TX-xRS232/485 will use different IP addresses, not a fixed IP address.
In order to know what IP address the IE-CS(T)-2TX-xRS232/485 is using, you need to set up parameters in
Network Settings via Web browser. The figure below is the IE-CS(T)-2TX-xRS232/485Web console
configuration window. Enter the IP address and the Port number of the PC that you want to send this
information to.