Appendix H - Honeywell Notifier NWS-3 Web Server Fire Panel Integration
The Honeywell Notifier NWS-3 Web Server fire panel model has the ability to output e-mail on an alert.
Those e-mail alerts may not include an e-mail To: address. In order to route those e-mail alerts through
the RMS system, you need to both disable Address Filtering and define a Settings tolist.
To integrate SMTP Data Input with a Honeywell Notifier NWS-3 Web Server fire panel’s e-mail output,
do the following:
Configure the RMS E-Mail Input Server by disabling Address Filtering
Create a Data Input in RMS that uses the SMTP protocol
In the Settings field of that SMTP related Data Input, define the IP port and a tolist, where the
tolist defines the Pager ID(s) that will be associated with each incoming e-mail message. An
example settings value is:
In the above example tolist, each incoming e-mail alert will be routed into the system associated with
both Pager IDs 114 and 112.
Update History
V1.0.1 – Initial release