upon what has been selected in setup.
5.7.5 Forward and Reverse Sweep References
Reverse sweep references are stored and selected the same as
Forward references. When selecting a reference, the type of sweep
in which the reference was stored can be seen in the Type column
located in the Sweep References directory. The following table
shows how the type of reference corresponds with the mnemonic
found in the Type column:
Forward Sweep Reference
Reverse Sweep Reference
Sweepless Sweep Reference
The correct type of reference must be selected. For example, a
reverse reference cannot be used while forward sweeping. An error
message will result upon entering the Sweep screen if the type of
reference selected does not match the type of sweep being per-
formed. The reference will then default to “None”.
IMPORTANT: To use a reference, its type must match the type of
sweep currently being performed.
When the sweep direction is changed, the reference will automati-
cally change to what was previously selected for that particular
direction. This ensures that the reference type matches the sweep
5.7.6 Storing and Viewing Reverse Sweep Files
Like Forward sweep responses, Reverse sweep responses can be
stored and viewed. You can tell what type of sweep response a file
contains by looking at the Type column located in the Measurement
Files directory. The following table shows how the type of sweep
response corresponds with the mnemonic found in the Type column:
Forward Sweep File
Reverse Sweep File
Sweepless Sweep File
When viewing a file, the type of sweep response is indicated in the