04 : Accel. / Decel. time selection : Please refer to Fn_01 - point 2
05 : External emergency stop
06 : External baseblock
07 : Speed search : Please refer to Fn_48
08 : Energy saving mode : Please refer to Fn _82
19 : Control signal selection
10 : Communication control mode selection
11 : Accel. / Decel. prohibit
12 : UP command
13 : DOWN command
14 : Sequence control
Please refer to Fn_17 and Fn_84 ~ Fn_91
15 : Master / Auxiliary speed selection
Please refer to Fn_11
16-31 : Change 00-15 (N/O - normal open contact) to (N/C - normal close contact)
Remark: Fn_56 will be ineffective if Terminal 6 is used for 3-wire control
1. There are 32 kinds of functions which can be selected as above by terminals 6, 7, 8
2. Fn_56 - Fn_58 = 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
a. Fn_56 - Fn_58 = 5 : External emergency stop
As soon as external emergency signal is received, Inverter will decel. to stop (regardless of the
setting of Fn_44) and the display will blink „E.S“. After this signal is removed, either turn OFF
Run command then turn ON again (Fn_10 = 1) or to press RUN key (Fn_10 = 0), Inverter will
restart from start freqeuncy.
If the emergency stop signal is removed before Inverter stops, Inverter will still execute emergency
stop. Fault contact is controlled by Fn_97 as follows:
Fn_97 = x0xx : Fault contact is not energized after external emergency stop signal is received.
x1xx : Fault contact is energized after external emergency stop signal is received
b. Fn_56 - Fn_58 = 6 : External baseblock
As soon as external basiblock signal is applied, Inverter output is shut off (regardless of the
setting of Fn_44) and the display will blink "b.b." After baseblock input is removed, either
turn OFF Run command then turn ON again (Fn_10 = 1) or to press RUN key (Fn_10 = 0),
Inverter will restart from start frequency.