WL3000 Technical Manual - May 2014
1. You will need to have an empty in-line filter housing to follow this procedure. Also
sanitiser, disposable rubber gloves, and bacterial wipes or spray.
2. Mix a solution of sanitiser in the empty in-line filter housing.
3. Turn off the water supply to the machine and release the internal water pressure
by depressing the dispense button momentarily and remove the water supply pipe.
4. Isolate the power to the machine.
5. Bypass the internal twist filter to avoid mixing sanitising solution with the active
6. Connect the outlet of the empty in-line housing to the inlet of the machine and
connect supply water pipe to the inlet of the empty in-line housing.
7. Turn on the power and water supply to the machine.
8. Depress the blue dispense button until the sanitation fluid starts to flow out of
the faucet nipple.
9. Allow the sanitation fluid to stand in the machine for 20 minutes.
10. Do not let any sanitation fluid enter the hot tank.
11. Then flush the cold water until the water runs clear of sanitiser.
12. Again isolate the water to the machine and release any internal water pressure
now isolate the power.
13. If this procedure is being done in conjunction with the 6 monthly services then
change the filter.
14. Remove the empty in-line filter housing from the back of the machine and re-
connect the water supply pipe to the back of the machine. Reconnect the filter.
15. Turn on the power and water flush the machine until the water runs clear.
16. Visually inspect water connections for any leaks.
17. Remove the faucet nipple and inspect to see if there are any cracks or scratches
or lime-scale build up on the nipple, if so then replace it. If the faucet nipple is OK
then sterilise it and put back using clean rubber gloves.
18. Remove and clean the drip tray, and grill. If the grill is damaged or heavily stained
and you are unable to clean it then it is advisable to replace the grill.
19. Wipe all surfaces around the drip tray and faucet nipple area with a bacterial
wipe or spray.
20. Return the drip tray to position.
21. Flush a further 15 litres of water if you have changed the filter and ensure there
are no carbon fines and all sanitation fluid has been removed from the water system.
22. All personnel should be aware of the company requirements for their own
personal health and hygiene.
23. Test for taste before leaving and ensure that the water quality of the machine
is adequate.
Note: To sanitise or descale a machine with a Waterlogic twist filter it is necessary
to mix a solution of either descaler or sanitiser in a dummy filter cartridge to flush
it into the machine. Please ensure no de-scaler enters the cold tank. Please ensure
that no sanitiser enters the hot tank. Santitant and descaler must be flushed into the
machine after by-passing Carbon filter, otherwise the filter will remove the sanitant
or de-scaler being used.
1. Turn off the water supply and remove the water inlet pipe.
2. Bypass filters with John Guest pipe and fittings.
3. In a dummy (empty) filter housing, mix the descaler solution as recommended by
the manufacturer.
4. Connect one side of the dummy housing to the machine with a length of 1/4” John
Guest pipe and the other side to the water inlet pipe (check if flow direction applies).
5. Turn water supply back on.
6. Depress hot dispense button and dispense 1 litre of hot water.
7. Leave for 30-40 minutes.
8. Turn off water supply and remove dummy housing.
9. Re-connect water inlet directly to machine.
10. Flush 5-10 litres of water through the machine.
Note: Only use a descaler that is suitable for use in water coolers (citric acid based).