Security Settings
Controller Log Out
When Security is Enabled, and after the password has been entered, the controller requires
immediate use of a password to calibrate or change settings. Once finished making changes,
log out to prevent unauthorized changes by someone else. If not manually logged out, the
controller will automatically log out after 10 minutes of inactivity.
Select Enable to require a password in order to calibrate or change settings, or Disable to
allow calibration and set point changes without a password. In order to Enable security, the
default password must be entered first, then select Enable, then press the Confirm key.
Local Password
Used to change the password needed for full configuration capability if Security has been
enabled. The default local password is 5555. This can and should be changed using this
menu if Security is enabled.
Display Settings
Home 1
Select the input or output to display on the 1
line of the display Home screen.
Home 2
Select the input or output to display on the 2
line of the display Home screen.
Adjust Display
Change the contrast using the arrow keys.
Key Beep
Select enable to hear a beep when a key is pressed, or disable for silence
File Utilities
File Transfer Status
Displays the status of the last attempt to export a file
Export Event Log
Save the Event Log file to a USB stick. This records set point changes, user calibrations,
alarms, relay state changes, file exports, etc.
Export System Log
Save the System Log file to a USB stick. This records hardware changes, software
upgrades, automatic calibrations, power loss, system-level issues, etc.
Import User Config
Remove power from the controller and insert a USB stick that contains the settings that
you want to import to this controller (see Export User Config file below). Press the Enter
key and then press the Confirm key to transfer those settings to this controller.
Export User Config
The User Configuration file contains all settings for the controller. Enter this menu to
save the controller’s settings to a USB stick for using later to restore settings to this
controller, or to program additional controllers with the same settings as this one. It
takes several minutes to create the file and transfer it to the stick. Remove power from
the controller and insert a USB stick. Press the Enter key and then press the Confirm key
to transfer a file containing the controller’s settings to the USB stick.
Restore Default Config
Enter this menu to restore all of the settings to the factory default values. Any changes to
settings that were previously made will be lost!
Software Upgrade
Remove power from the controller and insert an USB stick that has the upgrade file
stored in the root directory into the USB connector (see figure 7). Press the Enter key,
and then press the Confirm key to start the upgrade.
NOTE: Remove power before inserting or removing the USB stick!
Controller Details
Displays the name for the group of default settings used as built
Product Name
Displays the model of the controller as built
Control Board
Displays the revision number of the front panel circuit board
Software Version
Displays the software version on the control board
Sensor Board
Displays the revision number of the sensor board
Software Version
Displays the software version on the sensor board
Power Board
Displays the revision number of the power/relay board
Battery Power
Displays the VDC output of the battery that is used to hold the date and time. The acceptable
range is 2.4-3.2 VDC.
Internal Temp 1
Displays the temperature of the main processor. The acceptable range is -10 to 65 C.
Internal Temp 2
Displays the temperature of the sensor input processor. The acceptable range is -10 to 65 C.