Choose if an alarm should be generated when the switch is open, or closed, or if no alarm
should ever be generated.
The name used to identify the switch may be changed.
Select the type of sensor to be connected to the digital input channel.
Flow Meter, Contactor Type
Input Details
The details for this type of input include the total volume accumulated through the flow meter and alarms.
Press the Settings key view or change the settings related to the sensor.
Totalizer Alarm
A high limit on the total volume of water accumulated may be set.
Reset Flow Total
Enter this menu to reset the accumulated flow total to 0. Press Confirm to accept, Cancel to
leave the total at the previous value and go back.
Set Flow Total
This menu is used to set the total volume stored in the controller to match the register on
the flow meter. Enter the desired value.
Scheduled Reset
Choose to automatically reset the flow total, and if so, Daily, Monthly or Annually.
Enter the volume of water that needs to go through the flow meter in order to generate a
contact closure.
Flow Units
Select the units of measure for the water volume.
The name used to identify the sensor may be changed.
Select the type of sensor to be connected to the digital input channel.
Flow Meter, Paddlewheel Type
Input Details
The details for this type of input include the current flow rate, total volume accumulated through the flow meter and
Press the Settings key view or change the settings related to the sensor.
Totalizer Alarm
A high limit on the total volume of water accumulated may be set.
Reset Flow Total
Enter this menu to reset the accumulated flow total to 0. Press Confirm to accept, Cancel to
leave the total at the previous value and go back.
Set Flow Total
This menu is used to set the total volume stored in the controller to match the register on
the flow meter. Enter the desired value.
Scheduled Reset
Choose to automatically reset the flow total, and if so, Daily, Monthly or Annually.
K Factor
Enter the pulses generated by the paddlewheel per unit volume of water.
Flow Units
Select the units of measure for the water volume.
Rate Units
Select the units of measure for the flow rate time base.
Smoothing Factor
Increase the smoothing factor percentage to dampen the response to changes. For exam-
ple, with a 10% smoothing factor, the next reading shown will consist of an average of
10% of the previous value and 90% of the current value.
The name used to identify the sensor may be changed.
Select the type of sensor to be connected to the digital input channel.
5.3 Outputs Menu
Press the key below the Outputs icon to view a list of all relay and analog outputs. The Page Down icon scrolls down
the list of outputs, the Page Up icon scrolls up the list of outputs, the Return icon brings back the previous screen.
Press the Enter key with an output highlighted to access that output’s details and settings.
NOTE: When the output control mode or the input assigned to that output is changed, the output reverts to OFF mode. Once
you have changed all settings to match the new mode or sensor, you must put the output into AUTO mode to start control.
Relay, Any Control Mode
Output Details
The details for this type of output include the relay on/off state, HOA mode or Interlock status, accumulated on-time,
alarms, current cycle on time and relay type.
Press the Settings key view or change the settings related to the relay. Settings that are available for any control mode
HOA Setting
Select Hand, Off or Auto mode (see section 4.4).
Output Time Limit
Enter the maximum amount of time that the relay can be continuously activated. Once the
time limit is reached, the relay will deactivate until the Reset Output Timeout menu is entered.
Reset Output Timeout
Enter this menu to clear an Output Timeout alarm and allow the relay to control the
process again.
Interlock Channels
Select the relays and digital inputs that will interlock this relay, when those other relays
are activated in Auto mode. Using Hand or Off to activate relays bypasses the Interlock
Activate With Channels
Select the relays and digital inputs that will activate this relay, when those other relays
are activated in Auto mode. Using Hand or Off to activate relays bypasses the Activate
With logic.
Min Relay Cycle
This menu allows for the use of a motorized ball valve that needs time to fully open
and close. Enter the number of seconds that the valve needs to fully actuate.
Hand Time Limit
Enter the amount of time that the relay will activate for when it is in Hand mode.
Reset Time Total
Press the Confirm icon to reset the total accumulated on-time stored for the output back to 0.
The name used to identify the relay may be changed.
Select the desired control mode for the output.
Relay, On/Off Control Mode
Output Details
The details for this type of output include the relay on/off state, HOA mode or Interlock status, accumulated on-time,
alarms, current cycle on time and relay type.
Press the Settings key view or change the settings related to the relay.
Set point
Enter the sensor process value at which the relay will activate.
Enter the sensor process value away from the set point at which the relay will deactivate.
Duty Cycle Period
Using a duty cycle helps to prevent overshooting the set point in applications where the
response of the sensor to chemical additions is slow. Specify the amount of time for the
cycle, and the percentage of that cycle time that the relay will be active. The relay will be
off for the rest of the cycle, even if the set point has not been satisfied.
Enter the length of the duty cycle in minutes:seconds in this menu. Set the time to 00:00
if use of a duty cycle is not required.
Duty Cycle
Enter the percentage of the cycle period that the relay will be active. Set the percentage to
100 if use of a duty cycle is not required.