750-493 3-Phase Power Measurement Module
Version 1.2.0
In the event that you use current transformers to measure high currents, specify in
user scaling whether you want to take into account the current transformer ratio
when calculating the measured values in the respective phase or not. If yes,
specify the divisor of the current transformer ratio D-CTR, e.g. "40". The
maximum possible value is "50".
If no, you must take the divisor into account in the higher-level PLC as a factor.
Register 32 and 37 are written. For details, see section "Functional Description".
For "Energy", specify whether you want to measure a motor, i.e. a load or a
generator and select the scaling factor for energy measurement, e.g. 0.01 kWh.
The Register 35 is written.
For "Min.-/Max. values", specify the undervoltage threshold value and define
whether the min.-/max. values are automatically reset after a specific time or not.
In addition, you can reset specific min.-/max. values by selecting them and
You can also enable two checkboxes: "Enable flexible process image" and "Show
cos phi with leading sign". For flexible process image, see also section "Process
Image" > "Flexible Process Image".