Use in Hazardous Environments • 227
Meeting CENELEC and IEC
Bus System
Explosive areas resulting from gases, fumes or mist:
Zone 0 areas are subject to an explosive atmosphere
(> 1000 h /year) continuously or for extended periods.
Zone 1 areas can expect the occasional occurrence of an explosive
atmosphere (> 10 h
1000 h /year).
Zone 2 areas can expect the rare or short-term occurrence of an explosive
atmosphere (> 0 h
10 h /year).
Explosive areas subject to air-borne dust:
Zone 20 areas are subject to an explosive atmosphere
(> 1000 h /year) continuously or for extended periods.
Zone 21 areas can expect the occasional occurrence of an explosive
atmosphere (> 10 h
1000 h /year).
Zone 22 areas can expect the rare or short-term occurrence of an explosive
atmosphere (> 0 h
10 h /year).