40 Process Image
WAGO I/O System 750 XTR
750-471/040-000 4AI U/I Diff Galv XTR
Version 1.0.2
Process Image
The I/O module 750-471/040-000 provides 1 status byte (8 bits) and 1 data word
(16 bits) per channel.
The I/O module detects the following input current and voltage ranges with a
16-bit processing value resolution:
0 … 10 V
… +10 V
… +200 mV
0 … 20 mA
4 … 20 mA
3.6 … 21 mA
+20 …
20 mA
The digitalized measured value is transmitted to the process image of the
fieldbus coupler/controller in a data word (16 bits) as an input byte 0 (low) and
input byte 1 (high). The I/O module can be parameterized so additional error and
status information, which can be used to to identify an error, can be transmitted in
the three lowest (B0 ... B2) of the sixteen bits (see tables below). If the
measurement is above or below the measurement range, bits B0 ... B1 are set
= 1; B2 is not used. The measured value is then mapped with a resolution of
thirteen bits on bits B3 ... B15.
commissioning tool can be used to parameterize the
required operating mode. Alternatively, the I/O module can also be
parameterized via PROFIBUS and PROFINET device description (GSD file).
The parameterization description can be found in Section “Configuration and
Parameterization via GSD File.”
Presentation of control/status bytes a function of fieldbus
The I/O makes its complete process image, including the control/status bytes, to
the fieldbus coupler/controller. The WAGO-I/O-
startup tool access this
complete startup process image. The fieldbus coupler/controller uses a different
process image for provision of cyclic process data via the fieldbus. Presentation
of the control/status byte may be suppressed in this other process image,
depending on the fieldbus coupler/controller being used.