I Instruction manual VWR
Media Pump
Operational keys
Fill tubing: to fill in or fill out the tubing when starting
Start/Stop: to start or stop a dispensing
On/Off key
Change settings: to put the program menu on screen
Escape: to go back on previous menu
Getting Started
Principles of use
Media Pump has 3 dispensing modes: continuous, dose and multi-dose.
Continuous mode:
In this mode, the user controls (by hand or by foot) the starting and stopping moments of the pump. The pump
speed controlling the flow is initially programmed by the user.
Dose mode:
In this mode, the user controls (by hand or by foot) the starting moment of the pump. The pump immediately
stops when the programmed volume is dispensed. The pump speed and the volume to distribute are initially
programmed by the user.
Multiple-dose mode:
In this mode, the user controls (by hand or by foot) the starting moment of the pump for the first dose. The pump
automatically stops when the programmed volume is dispensed. Then it automatically dispenses again after a
programmed delay. The user programs the speed of the pump, the volume to dispense, the number of doses and
the delays between initially.
Principles of operations
Media Pump is a peristaltic pump controlled by a microprocessor.
When a dispensing is programmed, the microprocessor controls the pump in movement and stops it when the
pump has done the asked number of rotations.
A calibration operation is necessary to set and memorize the number of necessary rotations.
Concept of program
Media Pump is a programmable equipment.
The user can choose their preferred programs and memorize them.
Each preferred user mode, (for example 9 mL in mono dose at a 3 mL/s flow) is then called a program. The user
can then enter other programs and name them so they can easily distinguish them.
Media Pump is delivered pre-programmed with the following programs: