I Instruction manual VWR
Media Pump
Programs and calibration
A calibration is necessary for programs distributing doses with a fixed volume. The calibration enables the Media
Pump to measure the real flow with the conditions of the program, to memorize it and to take it into account at
each dose delivered. The flow rate being known, the Media Pump makes the number of rotations necessary for
each dose.
The flow delivered by the pump will indeed depend on the rotation speed; the given rotation speed of a given
pump, will depend upon the diameter of the tubing and the viscosity of the liquid. The flow directly proportionally
depends on the rotation speed but this proportionality depends on the tubing diameter and the viscosity of the
Moreover, with the same tubing and liquid, the medium flow can vary according to the volume of a dose,
especially when going from a few microliters to several liters.
As each program has different parameters: volume of a dose, tubing diameter and liquid viscosity; a calibration is
necessary for each program.
General settings
The access to programming functions in the general settings is made by the choice of the
“C O N F I G U R A T I O N ”
option in the main menu or by pressing the “
change settings” button on the top right of
the rotating button.
Here are the options appearing in the settings menu in the general settings:
Flow direction of the pump
The arrow displayed in front of “
F L O W D I R E C T I O N ”
indicates the direction towards which goes the pump
and consequently the direction in which the tubing must be placed. If the arrow indicates a direction from left to
right like this: then the source must be placed on the left side of the pump and the container on the right side.
To change the direction of the pumping, please select the line and then press the rotating button. Get back to the
main screen by pressing the “
esc.” button.
Note: The direction of the pumping is a general parameter, meaning that when using the Media Pump, the
direction will be set by whatever the program you use.
Anti-drop system
Anti-drop option prevents a drop showing up at the end of the tubing at the end of a distribution. Such a
drop can be a trouble if the user shakes the tubing and the drop falls into the container, because it would alter
the precision.
To prevent that a drip appears, the pump goes back and sucks the drop back in the tubing. This operation can
take a fraction of a second after dispensing.
To activate or deactivate the option, select the
“A N T I - D R O P ”
line and then press the rotating button. Go
back to the main screen by pressing the “
esc.” button.
Media Pump
makes a little sound after each operation.
To activate or deactivate the sound, select the line
“S O U N D ”
and then press the rotating button. Go back to
the main menu by pressing the “
esc.” button.
F L O W D I R E C T I O N :
A N T I - D R O P : y e s
S O U N D : y e s
D A T E / T I M E
L A N G U A G E : e n g l i s h