I Instruction manual VWR
Media Pump
Use a program
To run a program, the main menu, select “LAUNCH PROGRAMS”. A screen displays the list of program names.
Select the one you want with the rotating button.
Immediate launching
To start the program immediately, without prior verifications, press the red button “START/STOP”.
Note: if you have an accessory: gun or pedal (see Accessories chapter), you can use it instead of the
“START/STOP” button.
Start after verifications
When you choose a program, the display parameters of the chosen program appear on screen. You can check
that you have chosen the right program. If your program is in multi-dose, turn the button to scroll the information
Then press the button to display the last calibration's date.
Then press the button or on the red “START/STOP” or on an accessory to start the pump.
Suspend an operation
You can temporarily suspend the operation by 3 ways: by pressing the “START/STOP” button, on the rotating
button or on the “esc.” button.
You can start the dispensing again by pressing the “START/STOP” button again or on the rotating button.
Cancel an operation
When the dispensing is suspended, you can then cancel it totally by pressing the “esc.” button.
Change the speed during dispensing
While the pump is running, you can change the speed by turning the rotating button, thereby changing the liquid
The used speed is memorized in the Media Pump. When you will launch the same program later, the pump will
run at the speed you had chosen.
Be careful, this may change the calibration value.
Dispensing in “dose” mode
During dispensing the Media Pump displays a progress indicator and a reminder of the program name, the dose
volume and the direction and speed of the pump.
N A M E : p r o g r a m 6
M O D E : d o s e s
S P E E D : 2 0 0 r p m
T U B E Ø : 3 . 2 m m
P O W E R : a u t o
V O L U M E : 1 . 5 7 l
C A L I B R A T E D O N :
2 4 / 0 2 / 2 0 1 2 1 4 : 3 5