viscount Jubilate 230-232-235-245
5. Pedal section: This section contains the drawstops for the
6. Man.I section: This section contains the drawstops for
There is also the Tremulant drawstop to enable the Tremolo
7. On/Off switch: Jubilate On/Off switch.
WARNING!!: During thunderstorms it is recommended that
the instrument be unplugged at the mains.
1. Pedal section: This section contains all the registers for the pedal board.
There are also the tabs for combining the manuals with the keyboard (Couplers), or rather the way
to play the registers of the first and second manuals on the pedal board too in addition to the
registers selected on the pedalboard itself. The following combinations are possible:
I/P: The voices of the first manual at the pedals.
II/P: The voices of the second manual at the pedals.
There is also a (Midi) tab which in the OFF position stops the transmission of MIDI note data.
Transmission and reception of Program Change, Control Change and Sys Ex messages is always
The MIDI channel programming function can be turned on by pressing the SET (S) switch located
under the first manual together with the Midi tab. This switch will start flashing to signal that you
can enter a MIDI channel number. To enter a channel number the keys from the lowest note C to the
lowest A on the second manual correspond with the numbers 0 - 9.
The next C note turns on the CLEAR function, that is to say it cancels the last operation entered.
JUBILATE 230 – 232 – 235