© Virtual Access 2018
GW6600 Series User manual
Issue: 1.7
Page 83 of 519
Each local filter matched is executed; if there is no match, then the default local
logging action applies.
Any remote filter matched is executed; if there is no match, then the default
remote logging action applies.
root@VA_router:~# uci export system
package system
config syslog_filter 'local'
list text "...line 1..."
list text "...line 2..."
list text "...line 3..."
config syslog_filter 'remote'
list text "...line 1..."
list text "...line 2..."
list text "...line 3..."
Lines defined here are copied to the router runtime file /var/conf/syslog.conf which
may be reviewed to determine current rules in use.
Filter definitions
Each filter ruleset is a series of lines. Each line can be:
A filter pattern, of the form
facility.[op]severity(pattern) target [~]
A blank line, or comment line, starting with hash (#).
If a message doesn't match any of the filter lines for a destination,local or remote, the
default action for that destination is taken.
The sections of a filter pattern break down as follows:
Any keyword or comma-separated list of keywords from the source facility list.See the
Source Facilities table in section
Use the wildcard '*' to match all facilities.
Any keyword from the event severity list (see Event Severity table above). The rule
will match all severities more urgent f the message severity level is at least as urgent
as this.
Use the wildcard '*' to match all facilities.