44: Configuring ISDN pseudowire
© Virtual Access 2018
GW6600 Series User manual
Issue: 1.7
Page 511 of 519
Note: the configuration for the provider in back-to-back mode is identical to that for
client only mode. This is because, as in client mode, the unit must simply register with a
provider and prove its identity.
To complete the configuration, the settings must also allow the other GW6610V-F-ISDN
unit in the back-to-back pair to connect to this unit. To do so, one ‘client’ section is
required for each MSN number hosted by the other GW6610V-F-ISDN unit. As most
ISDN equipment supports at least two MSN numbers, there are typically two or more
such sections.
Note: on the other device there will also be an LCR configuration and an Asterisk
configuration where the provider and client sections are swapped.
A typical example of an asterisk and LCR configuration for the other unit in a back-to-
back configuration is shown below.
root@VA_router:~# uci export lcr
package lcr
config lcr 'main'
option enable '1'
list msn '384740'
list msn '384741'
root@VA_router:~# uci export asterisk
package asterisk
config provider
option host ''
option hostport '5060'
option username 'usernameForUnit40'
option secret 'secretForUnit40'
config client
option username 'usernameForUnit20'
option secret 'secretForUnit20'
option msn '384720'
config client
option username 'usernameForUnit20' #typically same as above
option secret 'secretForUnit20' #typically same as above
option msn '384721'